Procesor: Intel Core i5 – 2400S 2.5Ghz TC 3.3Ghz Quad-Core
Memorie RAM: 4GB DDR3 1333MHz
Hard Disk: 250GB S-ATA3
Unitate optica: DVD-Rw
Placa Video: Radeon R7-240 2GB GDDR3
Skip to the contentProcesor: Intel Core i5 – 2400S 2.5Ghz TC 3.3Ghz Quad-Core
Memorie RAM: 4GB DDR3 1333MHz
Hard Disk: 250GB S-ATA3
Unitate optica: DVD-Rw
Placa Video: Radeon R7-240 2GB GDDR3
Procesor: Intel Core i5 – 2400S 2.5Ghz TC 3.3Ghz Quad-Core
Memorie RAM: 4GB DDR3 1333MHz
Hard Disk: 250GB S-ATA3
Unitate optica: DVD-Rw
Placa Video: Radeon R7-240 2GB GDDR3